Friday, March 15, 2013

Sweetheart VoxBox 2013 - Not Your Mother's Beach Babe Dead Sea Salt REVIEW

So a few months ago, I received the Sweetheart VoxBox and one of the items that was included was this product. I was so excited to try this out when I saw it! But unfortunately it was a disappointing product. First to start this off properly I will tell you about my hair, it is mid length, very thick and naturally wavey but nothing to extreme, it has very dry ends and it used to be horrible to curl, but now with the proper tools I can curl it finally! LOL anyway, I tried this on first day hair meaning the night before I washed my hair and went to bed with it wet and woke up and styled it! It did nothing but make it look wet. So I then tried it on 2nd day hair meaning not washing it the night before and it did nothing again! I was so dissapointed :( I then decided that I would apply it in wet hair and then blow dry it with a diffuser for curls. It did nothing again, but that time it made my hair crunchy :(

So overall here are the pros and cons of this product:

Smells delicious!! - like yummy coconut which I personally love! :)

Doesn't do anything to my hair!

So what I'm using it for now is literally perfume for my hair! lol or ill spray it on my body just because it smells so good! But I know its not supposed to be used that way but I was going to give it away to my friend and she ended up telling me that she tried it and it didn't work for her either. To take note her hair is thin, naturally straight and very soft and smooth and super easy to curl! :) Hope this review was helpful and maybe go start you an awesome profile on INFLUENSTER. :)


Please follow me on Twitter : @Overthesummers and check out my youtube channel : @XxweluvmakeupxX
Also check me out on Instagram: @Emilyle96



Happy Reading!

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